Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Global Warming Based from Scientific Studies Research Paper - 1

Global Warming Based from Scientific Studies - Research Paper Example Al Gore is better known as a politician than a scientist or environmentalist and this perhaps led him to introduce himself by giving a little background of his education and work experiences, linking him to experts on global warming. Having established himself as a person in authority to discuss the subject matter, Gore proceeds to give the traditional explanation about global warming. He mentions that the atmosphere has a thin layer that traps some infrared radiation which helps regulate the earth’s temperature, making it a livable place. However, with the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by air pollution, that layer is thickened, causing more infrared radiation trapped in the atmosphere which in turn causes higher temperature worldwide (Gore, 2006). (The second paragraph has to be reconstructed and broken down because it seemed that the former paragraph was quite long and had different ideas. Moreover, there were corrections with sentence constructions.) T o add more drama and to hold his viewer’s attention as well as make his argument stronger, Gore presents valid discourses of other people which he further discusses. For instance, he mentions that there is the supposition that the earth is so big and therefore, the fears for global warming are far from possible. He acknowledges this debate but goes on to prove that global warming is as real as the air we breathe. Gore presents facts about the conditions of glaciers a few decades ago in contrast to how they are now by showing old and new pictures of well-known places such as Kilimanjaro, the Italian Alps and Rhone Glacier.

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